Shuai Nie

Shuai Nie received her Bachelor of Engineering (First-Class Hons.) in Renewable Energy Engineering from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, in 2018. She is currently working towards Ph. D. degree in Photovoltaic Engineering with UNSW. During her final year’s thesis in undergraduate study, she investigated the temperature-dependent characterisation of different surface passivation materials on silicon. Now, she is focusing on investigation of the defects in silicon.

Over the past decades, the majority of solar cells in the market are manufactured from crystalline silicon with over 65%. The presence of impurities and defects in silicon limits advanced cell architectures, preventing them from achieving their full potential. Now, Shuai is working on temperature- and injection-dependent photoluminescence analyses of silicon to understand the electrical and chemical properties of defects in silicon. Based on the identification, mitigation and elimination processes will be developed in order to achieve the ultimate lifetime limit.